THE ART OF LOVING GOD: HOW TO LIVE FROM YOUR HEART IN GOD’S EPIC LOVE STORY is for readers who long to see the face of Jesus and hear His voice. These are the ones who have tasted the goodness of the Lord and want more. We begin by being sensitive and listening to the ways God speaks to us. By exploring and contemplating who Jesus is, we fall more in love, especially when we contemplate the wonders and meaning of His Incarnation. Because love always finds a way to express itself, passion and joy are found through creative expression and art, when we return love for love, and when we partner with Christ. By cultivating the fire in our heart, we find ourselves closer to heaven than we may have thought possible. What do you want? Who is Jesus to you? What is your favorite event in the gospels? Do you know why? In what ways are you living from your heart for God? Is your faith a fire of affection with outlets of creative expression and calling? Do you know what God likes about you? Jesus asks, “What do you want?” These questions, and more, are addressed in these pages. Montreuil’s intimate blend of personal stories, contemplative bible stories, and engaging teaching, reflects the most precious aspect of Christian life: experiencing God Himself. If you hunger for more—which we all do—this book will surprise and delight you. Montreuil opens our eyes to see, to wonder, to fall in love. Jesus longs for us to come to Him with our heart full of desire and expectation and there He will meet us. The five virgins with oil in their lamps in Jesus’ Last Days parable could be us in this generation. The world is groaning with labor pains–Jesus is coming very soon. We’re seeing end times prophecies unfold as we, Christ’s beloved, come of age for Spirit-filled, spousal love. This is, after all, a divine romance we’re living in.

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