Plan a Spiritual Encounter or a Retreat for your group or church.


One of the most popular themes is how we can be hear God’s voice.  God wants us to listen to Him more than we want to hear personal words from Him.

We are all thirsty for more of Jesus, for God’s love, and we only need to be more intentional. “Come away, my beloved” is a word from Jesus. Spending time on retreat is so good for us; it’s wonderful.  Actually, it’s the best thing we can do. It’s the wisest investment we can make.  Jesus said this much about Mary of Bethany of whom He commended her twice for doing. Oh, that we could be more like her and do the same.

Here is a sampling of themes to consider for your group:

  • The Joy of Listening to God — Meant for Every Believer 
  • Learning to Notice and Reflect – Seeing What Is Sacred in Ordinary Life
  • Embracing the Mystery of God – The Power of Paradox Helps us to See 
  • “I Call You My Friends” – Let Jesus Be Himself with You
  • God with Us — Meditating on the Humanity of Jesus to Embrace the Wonder of His Divinity
  • The Prayer of Quiet — Learning to be Still with the Good Shepherd
  • Prayer and Art — Windows to Heaven
  • How to Cultivate the Fire in Your Heart — Making a Covenant with God


If interested, please contact Margaret Montreuil at [email protected]




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