The King’s Anointing

I often reflect on the story of when Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, anointed Jesus with her costly spikenard. Did she realize her act of love was the King of King’s prophetic anointing that day? Jesus knew. He said simply, “She did what she could.” Powerful words. Words I would like to hear Him…

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Live in the Light of Jesus–Lift up your Lamps of Oil

God made us in his image and we can rise up with the Light of Heaven and be creative, intentional, and passionate in all we do. Remember what Jesus said about the Ten Virgins? “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now…

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Practice, Practice, and Practice – for Lovers of God

Righteousness is something I don’t normally think about. I try to live the good Christian life. I know that Yeshua has earned my righteousness. That has been the extent of my ideas about it. However, in James, I read something and, because I have been “practicing” Christ’s presence, some new things occurred to me. Here’s…

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