God’s Thoughts in Ours

As a seasoned God-listener, I know prayer is not only one-way dialogue. Once I felt surprised by something I felt God “said” to me. I wondered,  Is this my thought or God’s? The next thing that popped into my head was a question. A loaded one. “What is thought?” God had asked me a lighthearted (which…

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Live in the Light of Jesus–Lift up your Lamps of Oil

God made us in his image and we can rise up with the Light of Heaven and be creative, intentional, and passionate in all we do. Remember what Jesus said about the Ten Virgins? “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now…

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Surprise! Unwrapping God’s Presence

God came to us as a stranger. Nobody expected to see the Messiah come in the way He came. God fulfilled the prophecies about Himself but not in ways anyone could grasp. Really, not even those closest to Jesus understood who He really was, not until after the resurrection. Even then the realization came slowly….

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