Once Upon A Time – The Fullness of Love was Born

At first sight, Miriam shares her joy . . .  I loved Yeshua so much I cried. He was mine. He came from God, and he was mine. I studied his fingernails, each one so tiny and delicate. I marveled at his eyelashes, so beautiful against his face. His nose, his chin, everything about him…

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Free Timely Resource about the Jewish Messiah

Where is the world heading? We need to look back to history, precisely Jewish history, to understand and see what is in front of us . The Jewish Messiah holds the key to understanding times past, present, and future. This is modern news for modern people, for people alive on earth right now.   Please feel…

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Fools for God

Sometimes my beliefs seem crazy. What Christians believe have the surface appearance of really farfetched tales of fiction. I sense this sometimes when speaking to one of my grandchildren about heaven and hell, creation, angels and demons, and more. Stranger than that are the people of biblical record. One man built an ark before the…

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