Once Upon A Time – The Fullness of Love was Born

At first sight, Miriam shares her joy . . .  I loved Yeshua so much I cried. He was mine. He came from God, and he was mine. I studied his fingernails, each one so tiny and delicate. I marveled at his eyelashes, so beautiful against his face. His nose, his chin, everything about him…

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Surprise! Unwrapping God’s Presence

God came to us as a stranger. Nobody expected to see the Messiah come in the way He came. God fulfilled the prophecies about Himself but not in ways anyone could grasp. Really, not even those closest to Jesus understood who He really was, not until after the resurrection. Even then the realization came slowly….

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The Wonder and Beauty of Knowing God

For a couple of decades I’ve enjoyed intimacy with God. It has, however, been impossible to experience this without bringing the Creator down to my own level, in human terms, so to speak. But how else can any of us even dare to experience knowing Him?  After I believed in Him as my personal Savior, I wanted to live…

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