As you can see from the FOLLOW video located at this website

, something quite extraordinary is going on at Elevation Church in Charlotte. I’m seeing that more each week.

My daughter, age 28, had been through life-threatening lows lately and recently gave the direction of her life to Jesus. She found this rather “new” church, which started I think less than five years ago, and asked if I’d like to go with her. I happily went along to support her. Oh my … words cannot express the amazing things going on there and how PERFECTLY-TIMED the messages and such have been for my daughter.

Far from being “typical”, the vibrant church uses cutting-edge technology and media, plus “Rock Concert” worship, passionate and gifted talent that is reaching and connecting people with God’s powerful, relevent message of life-transforming, inclusive love. This church gets it – this isn’t tame, nice people simply following the traditions they’ve been brought up with … this is what Jesus was like — shaking things up, making a big noise, not mincing words, not watering down the Gospel. This is what Jesus died for – people who know what it is to be SAVED and act accordingly. What a dynamic thing to be caught up in and be a part of!

My daughter is among those who spontaneously answered the call to be baptized on the spot after a sound, short teaching on what BAPTISM MEANS TO JESUS. The Baptism event wasn’t even announced beforehand. See what I mean about not being typical?

Besides the free T-shirts, towels, and necessary hygiene products freely given to those ready to obey the timeless call of Jesus to follow Him and publicly proclaim it through water baptism, the entire event struck me as being so relevent. Jesus is RELEVENT.

I hope you will feel the tangible joy of that morning.

A week before the baptism event, the church was featured on prime time news. The news crew visited and documented the church’s “growth explosion” and aired the story with wonder. God is celebrating and is spreading the Good News of what it looks like to follow Jesus in our days, in our city.

Margaret Blog