Since the middle of June, my new job has consumed my energy and focus for more than forty hours each week. But to relax in the evenings, and for a few hours on weekends, I have escaped into a few novels, not ones I’d ordinarily have chosen. I blame my two grown daughters who became…
Read moreJesus Pours Living Water Through Us – thoughts for Lovers of God
Do you keep a prayer journal? In some ways, mine is like a diary. I thought about that and looked up “diary” in the dictionary. Amazing. Look at this: From Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary: DIARY Function:noun Inflected Form:plural -ries Etymology:Latin diarium, from dies day — more at DEITY Date:1581 1 : a record of events, transactions, or…
Read moreGod’s Hidden Things – for Lovers of God
I’ve been writing the story of the birth of Christianity and, in the process I’ve been pondering some realizations. One of them is the idea of how God hides things from us when, all along, He waits for us to find them. God is full of mystery but when we are willing to lay hold of …
Read moreThe Mystery of the Cross – for Lovers of God
This is the mystery, that Christ can be obedient, glorious love of God and the full measure of our disobedience, both at once -Walter Wangerin Jr. I’ve been writing about the early church–the very first beginnings. The first scene opens during the time Jesus is suffering on the cross. We’re not at that scene, however,…
Read moreIn Love’s Disguise – for Lovers of God
Here’s an excerpt from God with Us: A Walk Through the Gospels. I especially thought it would be good to think about the “reason for the season” and hope you enjoy this. In Love’s Disguise Through waters of pain and blood God’s blessings flood! The Messiah’s birth, He’s come at last But without a single trumpet blast…
Read moreThe Revelation Days – for Lovers of God
The Revelation of Jesus has captured my thoughts so much lately. After a prayer experience on top of the mount where He often prayed, where He gave the Great Commission to His disciples—on the same mount, I experienced extreme favor, just to be there and pray. It was, and still is, mind boggling. Surreal. Yet,…
Read moreMountains of Glory – for Lovers of God
From the ends of the earth, I traveled to the land of Israel to soak up the sights and collect holy dust on my sandaled feet. Four of us, two friends and my auntie, trekked all over Jerusalem, several times over. We bounced in taxis over the mountains and through the desert; we ate in…
Read moreNurturing the Reflective Life – for Lovers of God
When we encounter God, it is often not during our devotional times. Sometimes a shock of grace suddenly floods over us while doing some mundane task. Once it happened to me while walking down a school hall before a parent-teacher conference. The goodness of God, and his love for my children, seemed to come out…
Read morePractice, Practice, and Practice – for Lovers of God
Righteousness is something I don’t normally think about. I try to live the good Christian life. I know that Yeshua has earned my righteousness. That has been the extent of my ideas about it. However, in James, I read something and, because I have been “practicing” Christ’s presence, some new things occurred to me. Here’s…
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