Kairos – An appointed “Time”

You know how it is when God says something to you three times in a row? Kairos popped up first in my writing, the next day at a conference I attended, and then the day after that in a sermon at church. It isn’t even an English word. It’s an ancient Greek word that isn’t really…

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God’s Thoughts in Ours

As a seasoned God-listener, I know prayer is not only one-way dialogue. Once I felt surprised by something I felt God “said” to me. I wondered,  Is this my thought or God’s? The next thing that popped into my head was a question. A loaded one. “What is thought?” God had asked me a lighthearted (which…

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The “Last Days” are These Days

When our daily news sounds like The Tribulation spoken about in Revelation, as well as what Jesus foretold in Matthew 24, we have to realize these are the biblical Last Days we are living in. We might be tempted to focus on all the terrible and horrifying events happening but I don’t think the Lord…

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